Our horses / Joy XIV


  • Poney: Joy XIV
  • Size: 145 cm
  • Colour: Black
  • Breed: Poney
  • Date of birth: 1997
  • Date of arrival at SE Belle Ferme: 2000

Joy was sold to us by a friend, along with Kookai. Both of them were seen at an animal fair, and the friend bought them on the spot to get them out, but didn’t really know what to do with them after that, so offered them to us. Joy was a ball of energy when ridden. She had clearly not had a very sound upbringing, if any at all! She was very speedy, but never naughty. She was extremely sensitive, and needed very quiet, calm riders. She couldn’t understand proper rein contact, but dropping contact completely, sitting up and giving her a pat would bring her to a halt very quickly! It just took a bit of getting used to. She was not an ‘everyone’ pony, but those who understood her loved her. She was an amazing, naturally talented, fearless jumping pony, and one of Clarissa’s favourites! She had to retire a little early due to a problem on her hock, which became painful when working, so she went to enjoy life in the field.

What's special?
Everything is special about Joy! She is a beautiful black pony, but in summer gets the most amazing blond highlights in her mane, that no hairdresser would ever manage to achieve! In her ‘nothing or everything’ character, she really doesn’t like worming and vaccination time!


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