Our horses / Melody


  • Horse: Melody Highland
  • Size: 163 cm
  • Colour: Bai
  • Breed: French Trotter
  • Date of birth: 2000
  • Date of arrival at SE Belle Ferme: 2010

Melody has been a super kind, hard-working, energetic mare. She has always had perfect manners and outstanding behaviour. She has been such a favourite to so many riders we often wished we could have cloned her! Dressage wasn’t her strong point, although she was very obedient, however, she was a star jumping horse and was often at the prize giving whenever she competed.

What's special?
Melody’s retirement was decided from one day to the next when she looked tired in a lesson, despite the fact that it was her nature to just keep working to keep everyone happy. It was clear that she wouldn’t stop and say this is enough, as some do (!). So I stopped her a little before the end of her half-hour lesson, untacked her and said to her “Right, now you deserve to enjoy some years in the field with your friends”. She hangs out now with Kosmos and Da Luna and enjoys life! A big thanks to her special fans and supporters, Eva Maria & Elena!


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