Our horses / Nutz


  • Poney: Nutz
  • Size: 107 cm
  • Colour: Gray (with spots!)
  • Breed: Shetland
  • Date of birth: 2000
  • Date of arrival at SE Belle Ferme: 2007

Nutz was bought by one of our (at the time!) little riders, Estelle. He was bought as a jumping competition pony and was forward going and energetic which is quite rare for a Shetland! Estelle grew too big for him, but he stayed to live at Belle Ferme and was taken over by another little rider, Naomi. As Nutz is very small, Naomi soon grew too tall for him too, so Nutz just stayed with us and joined all the Shetlands in the mini lessons.

What's special?
Nutz is the most independent pony one could know! He also believes he is about twice the size he is. When he first joined us and was put out in the field with the ponies, he decided that wasn’t the place for him, and he went straight under the fence and moved in to live with the horses! Today he spends his nights in the field with his horse friends, and in the morning finds a way out of his field to spend his days wondering around Belle Ferme. At the end of every day, he returns to stand at the gate waiting to be let back into his field!


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